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“pertaining to the”
A unit related to:
“pertaining to the”
(Greek: gray; pertaining to the "gray matter" of the nervous system, brain, and the spinal cord)
(Latin: rustic, rural; pertaining to the fields; from ager then agrestis, "field")
(Greek: joint, pertaining to the joints or connecting bone structures)
(Greek > Latin: Atlanticus, pertaining to the Atlantic Ocean or to Mount Atlas; from the Atlas mountains)
(Greek: eyelid; of or pertaining to the eyelid[s] or eyelash[es])
(Greek: heart, pertaining to the heart)
(Greek: hand; pertaining to the hand or hands)
(Latin: key; to enclose, to comprise, to involve; to fit together, or to work together; pertaining to the collarbone [so named because of its keylike shape])
(Greek: spiral shell, snail with a spiral shell; pertaining to the cochlea, the spiral tube in the inner ear)
(Latin: horny, hornlike; horny [tissue] pertaining to the cornea, the horny transparent anterior portion of the external covering of the eyes)
(Latin: bark, rind; literally, that which is "stripped off"; used in its extended senses, chief among these being "pertaining to the outer layer of a bodily organ, especially the brain")
(Greek: ring; used in the extended sense of pertaining to the [ring-shaped] cartilage that forms the back and lower part of the laryngeal cavity)
(Latin: face, pertaining to the face; countenance; form, make, set in place, do)
(Latin: band, bandage; bundle, bunch; used in the extended sense of "pertaining to the fascia", a band or sheet of fibrous tissue providing a subcutaneous covering for various parts of the body)
(Latin: pertaining to the Teutonic people of central Europe [possibly from a Celtic word meaning "neighbor"], similar to Old Irish gair, "neighbor"; pertaining to Germany)
(Latin: shoulder, upper arm; pertaining to the bone that extends from the shoulder to the elbow)
(Greek: glass, glassy; transparent; pertaining to the vitreous humor or surrounding membrane)
(Latin: pertaining to the law, legal)
(Latin > Italian: a suffix; seashore; pertaining to the seashore)
(Greek: breast; used in the specialized sense as "of or pertaining to the breast-shaped mastoid process of the temporal bone)
(Greek > Latin: [mekonion to meconium] of or pertaining to the poppy, poppy-juice; opium)
(Latin: to smell; pertaining to the sense of smell; scent; to cause to smell at)
(Greek: navel, umbilicus; pertaining to the navel or to the umbilicus)
(Greek [pelagos] > Latin [pelagicus]: sea, pertaining to the sea or ocean)
(Greek: sigmoeides, shaped like the letter sigma; pertaining to the sigmoid flexure, the S-shaped bend in the colon; a combining form that usually denotes the sigmoid colon)
(Greek: pertaining to the thyroid gland)
(Latin: pertaining to the navel, umbilical cord; a protuberance or swelling; related to umbo, the boss [a convex elevation or knob] of a shield)
(Latin: evening; pertaining to the evening)